My sister, a very accomplished blogger and finely tuned in new media Catholic, sent me this blog/article: On Dating Nice Catholic Girls.
I think this article starts out excellently, subtitled with: No hook-ups but no long-term ego-busts; nice Catholic girls teach tenderness and the valuable security of the everyday. A beacon in the darkness of article after post after cosmo magazine after snide comment about the dangers of women withholding sex from their male partners--yahoo! This guy gets it and likes that we have self respect!
The article pans out that way too, for the most part. His endearing description of his former girlfriend as truly beautiful, inside and out; as someone who doesn't need societal norms to tell her how much she's worth, but rather she knows inherently, and it was obvious. I must say, when I read that I was overjoyed--they do notice!
It finished off nicely, "There's a great deal to be said for nice Catholic girls: the up-front quality, all those depths made visible, like the ocean in a color-coded map."
At the tail end, he got distracted and sucker punched the women he was praising before.
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Alas, I do not own the rights. |
"One thing, though: a lot of these JPII generation girls are starting to look suspiciously like Sexy Puritans. The other day, I saw one wearing a mantilla and the tightest pair of shorts in Tempe, which is saying something.
I'd better write my bishop."
Come on! JP II's legacy has permeated and inspired a generation, returning young men to the cloth, reinvigorating young women in their chaste journeys, no longer giving young men the 'boys will be boys' excuse but vehemently challenging them to a chaste journey as well, and most of all JP II inspired respect, love, mercy and compassion for all.
Whether or not someone chooses to wear "the tighest pair of shorts in Tempe" while donning a mantilla speaks nothing to her love of JP II or the Church for that matter. It simply speaks to her choice that day. One of the great things about mantillas is that it is an action to focus your thoughts inward, to the presence of Christ. If it starts with a mantilla and progresses to floor length burlap sacks, shouldn't we praise the mantilla instead of chastise the tight shorts?
This author has a great voice, and it is inspiring to hear his conviction for chastity and appreciation of the gift that it brings to a pre-martial relationship. I hope that we can focus on that, and leave sweeping assumptions about a whole generation for a totally different discussion.
Strengthen the argument for chastity by steering clear of Church politics.
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